Saturday, January 5, 2013

Birthday, Financial Peace, Cydney Update

Today is my niece, Baylee's, 14th birthday.  We went to her house this afternoon to have cake and ice cream.  She and Claire are only 13 months apart, so they are close in age (the twins and Baylee's youngest sister is only 5 days apart).  It was great seeing my family.  Even though we only live about 5 minutes away from each other, we do not see each other nearly enough.  So, Happy Birthday Bay!  We love you!

Heath and I attended the Financial Freedom Conference at our church.  It was wonderful and was able to help us get a focus for our money.  We have to sit down and set our goals.  I'll update you on that when we have time to sit down and go over everything.  I am the one that pays the bills and spends the money.  He just brings the money home to me.  Now that I think about's a scary thought.  That will be changing very soon.

Cydney is feeling better.  Thank you God for keeping your hand on her and allowing her to get better here at home.  She also had another tooth break through the skin today.  The one on the bottom front.  I can't wait until they are in and you can see them when she smiles.  I think she will have beautiful teeth.  Time for a toothbrush!  Also, Cydney has learned to clap her hands and use sign language for more, night night and momma.  If you don't know already, the doctor says that her airway above her trach is so swollen that the vocal cords are not able to vibrate because they are just one big lump of tissue. Therefore, she can not make any sounds with her mouth.  Even though there is a device called a PassiMuir Valve, she can't use it because of the airway being shut.  This makes us very sad, but we have to accept that fact and find another way to communicate-sign language.  She has also learned to get our attention by blowing really hard through her trach to make it sound like she is sneezing.  Once you give her attention, she stops....but don't look away or she starts again.

A new business opened up in Helena and I can't wait to visit.  Since I was at the conference today, I missed the grand opening.  I will definately go there next week.  Well, it is off to bed for this lady and I pray you all have a wonderful night.  Once again, I am unable to load pictures, so I will have to catch up later.

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