Thursday, January 3, 2013

Not so great Cydney

Happy Thursday to you all.  Today has been a "not so great day" for Cydney.  Over the last few days she has been sleeping more than usual and more tired.  She has also had increased secretions and just not being her perky little self.  Today I think was the final day to just sit back and give an extra breathing treament here and there.  We had to bring out the big guns and bring on the steroids and antibiotics.  So, she had hours of breathing treatments.  Thankfully she doesn't seem to care since she doesn't have to hold anything or sit a certain way.  It attaches to her set up just like she were going to bed or playing in her room.  Please pray that my sweet little chocolate princess feels better soon and we don't have to make a dreaded trip to Childrens.  We have been the longest stretch in her life without having to make an ER trip.  I am super excited and hope that the trend can continue. 

In other news today-I got back to work on the council items today.  We have gotten a lot of comments on the Helena-Alabama facebook page.  We are getting ready for a council meeting Monday-Do I know it is a major football game day?  Of course-that's why we moved the council meeting to 5pm instead of 6. dominates everything in the south it seems. 

I did talk to the nurse about Macie's cultures and biopsies from her surgery on Dec 18. She said that the cultures came back as bacteria and infection but nothing serious that an antibiotic shouldn't clear up.  That is great news because I was scared to death when Dr. Wiatrak said he had cultured and then later said he felt the need to biopsy the polyps found in Macie's left ear.  Now we just have to tackle the hearing loss issue.  It's late, so until tomorrow, please pray that Cydney has a good night (not looking promising since her oxygen requirements are up) and that tomorrow holds a well baby girl.  Thank you!

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